For Your Convenience

How do I get started with Dawson Oil?
Signing up is quick and easy. Complete our Credit Application, then email your complete Credit Application to [email protected].
What are your credit terms?
Our credit terms are Net 10. For example, fuel you purchased in July would be due by August 10th.
Is the cardlock only open to a business?
We cater to business or personal accounts. No account is too large or too small.
What are the advantages over a normal gas station?
We provide a clean, safe atmosphere to fuel up your vehicles. There are no long lines or annoying crowds like at normal gas stations. Our cardlocks offer easy in and out for large vehicles. We offer the best customer service.
Can I pay my bill online?
Yes, you can. You can use our website to pay your bill via electronic check or you can do "bill pay" through your own bank.
Do you have electronic billing? Can I view my statement online?
At this point in time, we do not offer electronic billing or the ability to see your account online. Our statements are printed and mailed on the first business day of every month; however, we are always improving the way we provide service to our customers and are working to have these options be available in the future.
Is there a monthly fee?
We have no monthly fee for using our cardlock; however, there is a Regulatory Compliance Fee (RCF) of $6.00 every month if you purchase over $50.00 dollars worth of fuel on the cardlock.
Can I use my WEX Card?
Yes! We have added this for your convenience.
Can I use my Dawson Oil Card to purchase a carwash?
Yes, you may also use cash and/or credit cards to activate our touchless carwash. Get a Dawson Oil card. (link)
What is "off road" or Red diesel fuel?
Off road diesel is diesel fuel that has a red dye added to it. It has none of the Federal or State on-road taxes associated with it. It may only be used in vehicles that do not drive on the road, (tractors, construction equipment) or it may also be used in tanks that provide home heating.
Do you sell Kerosene or Propane?
We do sell kerosene; however, we do not sell propane.
What if I have several vehicles and want to know how many gallons and the dollar amount each one used?
Your statement will itemize each transaction by date, time, gallons and dollar amount, per card. No receipts to juggle, just a statement for each month, simplifying record-keeping.
Can I purchase oil products and coolant with Dawson Oil Card?
Yes you may come into our office and purchase products with your Dawson Oil card.
I don’t like getting a big bill at the beginning of the month. Can I pay some of my bill halfway through the month?
Yes, you may make payments either in the office, mail or online anytime you like.